from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import neurogym as ngym
from neurogym import spaces
# TODO: Getting duration is not intuitive, not clear to people
class IntervalDiscrimination(ngym.TrialEnv):
r"""Comparing the time length of two stimuli.
Two stimuli are shown sequentially, separated by a delay period. The
duration of each stimulus is randomly sampled on each trial. The
subject needs to judge which stimulus has a longer duration, and reports
its decision during the decision period by choosing one of the two
choice options.
metadata = {
'paper_link': '' +
'paper_name': """Feature- and Order-Based Timing Representations
in the Frontal Cortex""",
'tags': ['timing', 'working memory', 'delayed response',
'two-alternative', 'supervised']
def __init__(self, dt=80, rewards=None, timing=None):
# Rewards
self.rewards = {'abort': -0.1, 'correct': +1., 'fail': 0.}
if rewards:
self.timing = {
'fixation': 300,
'stim1': lambda: self.rng.uniform(300, 600),
'delay1': lambda: self.rng.uniform(800, 1500),
'stim2': lambda: self.rng.uniform(300, 600),
'delay2': 500,
'decision': 300}
if timing:
self.abort = False
name = {'fixation': 0, 'stim1': 1, 'stim2': 2}
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(-np.inf, np.inf, shape=(3,),
dtype=np.float32, name=name)
name = {'fixation': 0, 'choice1': 1, 'choice2': 2}
self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(3, name=name)
def _new_trial(self, **kwargs):
duration1 = self.sample_time('stim1')
duration2 = self.sample_time('stim2')
ground_truth = 1 if duration1 > duration2 else 2
trial = {'duration1': duration1,
'duration2': duration2,
'ground_truth': ground_truth}
periods = ['fixation', 'stim1', 'delay1', 'stim2', 'delay2', 'decision']
durations = [None, duration1, None, duration2, None, None]
self.add_period(periods, duration=durations)
self.add_ob(1, where='fixation')
self.add_ob(1, 'stim1', where='stim1')
self.add_ob(1, 'stim2', where='stim2')
self.set_ob(0, 'decision')
self.set_groundtruth(ground_truth, 'decision')
return trial
def _step(self, action):
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Reward and inputs
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
new_trial = False
# rewards
reward = 0
gt = self.gt_now
# observations
if self.in_period('fixation'):
if action != 0: # action = 0 means fixating
new_trial = self.abort
reward = self.rewards['abort']
elif self.in_period('decision'):
if action != 0:
new_trial = True
if action == gt:
reward = self.rewards['correct']
self.performance = 1
reward = self.rewards['fail']
return self.ob_now, reward, False, {'new_trial': new_trial, 'gt': gt}