
class neurogym.envs.delaymatchcategory.DelayMatchCategory(dt=100, rewards=None, timing=None, sigma=1.0, dim_ring=2)[source]

Delayed match-to-category task.

A sample stimulus is shown during the sample period. The stimulus is characterized by a one-dimensional variable, such as its orientation between 0 and 360 degree. This one-dimensional variable is separated into two categories (for example, 0-180 degree and 180-360 degree). After a delay period, a test stimulus is shown. The agent needs to determine whether the sample and the test stimuli belong to the same category, and report that decision during the decision period.

Reference paper

Experience-dependent representation of visual categories in parietal cortex


perceptual, working memory, two-alternative, supervised

Supervised learning and analysis of this task

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Reinforcement learning and analysis of this task

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Sample run