
class neurogym.envs.probabilisticreasoning.ProbabilisticReasoning(dt=100, rewards=None, timing=None, shape_weight=None, n_loc=4)[source]

Probabilistic reasoning.

The agent is shown a sequence of stimuli. Each stimulus is associated with a certain log-likelihood of the correct response being one choice versus the other. The final log-likelihood of the target response being, for example, option 1, is the sum of all log-likelihood associated with the presented stimuli. A delay period separates each stimulus, so the agent is encouraged to lean the log-likelihood association and integrate these values over time within a trial.

  • shape_weight – array-like, evidence weight of each shape

  • n_loc – int, number of location of show shapes

Reference paper

Probabilistic reasoning by neurons


perceptual, two-alternative, supervised

Supervised learning and analysis of this task

[Open in colab] [Jupyter notebook Source]

Reinforcement learning and analysis of this task

[Open in colab] [Jupyter notebook Source]

Sample run